Monday, December 7, 2015

RC4WD presents Super Scale Race Series 2016 score cards

Here are the score cards for each event. We will need a photo of you to verify you are the driver who registered for the event. Your photo will be put on the card and there will be 8 cards per driver (for each of the 8 events).

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Coming this spring: Super Scale RC Race Series!

This spring we will be trying something new... a drivers series. 10 races, 5 driven as a Solo driver and 5 driven as part of a team. Points awarded based on your placing in each event and tallied up throughout the series. At the end of the 10 events, the top 6 scores are kept and the remainder tossed out. There will also be a few large events taking place through the summer that should you take part in, you will receive an additional 15 points added to your season final score just for attending and taking part/supporting these events. Incentive to be part of the hobby.

The focus of the series is to get drivers away from bashing through a course like a maniac in a very non-realistic manner and get them driving... well... just like our motto says "drive it like you are in it". 

Hosting this series is none other that Crazy Joe from Rude Boyz RC.

At the end of the season, just like in a dart league or bowling league for example... winners are given awards and there will be a dinner/banquet. 

If you are in the Calgary area and wish to take part, please comment or read the rules to the right for more information on contacting us or registration. If you wish to run a similar event in your area, again... contact us so we can record your information here on this site. 



Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015 trail run

Join the Facebook group YYCRC for more trailing meet ups in the Calgary area by clicking this link 

Ted of Crawler Teds Garage has a YouTube channel you should be aware of as well.

Lastly... follow ONE10RC over on Facebook at this link 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Testing out RC4WD GRU's

Out trailing on the rocks today with both Jeeps (actually drove with a controller in each hand at one point) to test out the RC4WD GRU's (Gear Reduction Units) I put in each rig. YJ is using a 45 turn and 3 to 1 GRU, the Rubicon used a 35 turn and 4 to 1 GRU. Video is currently processing but I will share it as soon as its ready. For now... a couple stills.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Trailing in the Alberta Badlands, Part 1

Be sure to sub my channel and stick around for parts 2 and 3. At the end of part 3 are a couple fun sound bites.

Driving it like he is in it

Drive it like you're in it.
Great video of a YJ being driven just like if you would be in it. No greater joy to be had for off road RC driving than this style of driving in my opinion.

What a great 1:1 Jeep!!

Not RC but hell... it's just too pretty to look at. Maybe someone will build this into an RC one day.

1:1 inspiration for your builds

Seems to me that the Aussies are really on their game. Love all these trucks. Some fantastic inspiration for your 1:10 RC truck build.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wrangler YJ out trailin' Part 3

Thanks for watching the videos. Hope you subscribed to let me know you enjoy my video's and I will in turn keep making them. My super duper secret location is revealed in the comments of this video.



Wrangler YJ out trailin' Part 2

Part 2 of my Wrangler YJ out trailing in a super duper secret location in Alberta Canada

Wrangler YJ out Trailin' Part 1

I haven't been out trailing in a long time and haven't done it in my new (to me) Jeep Wrangler YJ. Now that I have it pretty much complete with paint, details, interior, driver and so on... I just had to get on out and make a video. Thing is... I was out trailing for so long and got so much great footage that it ended up being almost an hour of footage. So... I broke it up into 3 video's.

Hope you enjoy and live vicariously through my driver like I do.


Monday, May 25, 2015

SORCCA rules ... good or bad? And my alternative to them.

This weekend I finally competed in my first scale competition. It was great but right out of the gates I noticed something... my hard bodied Tamiya Jeep which is pretty scale was almost forced into class 2. I found that confusing as I thought for sure that the truck was far more class 1 than 2. For an idea of the classes being referenced... check out the SORCCA rules which is the go to system for nearly all RC Scale truck competitions out there. Many race creators modify these rules to suit to some degree but one thing that really bothers me about these rules.... WAY too much emphasis on the nitpicky crap!!

Here is the thing... as a young teen I got into Dungeons and Dragons a bit with the first rules set (yeah, I'm old) and it was great. Then came the second system and I noticed the rules had tripled in size and depth of detail. I tried that system and it was okay but it was no longer as fun as we were spending more time arguing rules than actually playing. As the years went by and more system "upgrades" came down the pipe, more tomes were published. I pretty much never played any more because I really grew to hate what we called "rules lawyers" in the genre. Fast fwd a few years and one day I came across a gaming rules system that was really loose but had enough behind it to keep the game on track enough that it was enjoyable again. The love for the game began again and I played for a long time. Why do I bring this up? Well, because I see it happening with these RC comp rules. Today I went and google searched about SORRCA rules and found many forums hosting topics on them and it really became evident within minutes on each forum how much bickering and nit picking was going on regarding all those rules. I have also seen this happen in the workplace when manuals are created. One rule often creates many sets of sub rules and within those sub sets of rules develop even more rules. It gets out of hand and then the joy is gone. You no longer want to play, no longer want to race and sometimes... don't want to work at that company anymore. Can you relate?

All of this got me thinking about that rules system I came across that simplified the game I once enjoyed and made me enjoy it once again so many years later. A simplified version to be used at comp's that is competitive but not rules heavy. it gets the job done just enough that people can go out and have fun. Picture a professional KOH race vs. a race taking place up in the hills populated by garage mechanics of varying levels and their trucks just as varied. That is in essence what you are facing with RC comp's. The types of trucks and the modifications to those trucks is so varied that its almost impossible to nail down a strict system to govern them all.

Here is the rub:

Do back woods racers really want to be governed that harshly? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no. Those that do will and probably already do... go out and find SORCCA governed comps to run in and they take it deadly serious.

I'm going to suggest a rules light system for RC Offroad trucks and would like to hear from you on it. Before you comment... keep in mind... if you start quoting rules and suggesting rules, before you know it this will be just as complicated as the SORCCA rules and it would be easier to just use their system. Think before you speak. The goal here is to keep it simple. Just enough to work.

Two truck classes only:

Each class is broken down as follows:
A) 1.5/1.7 Tires
B) 1.9 Tires
C) 2.2 Tires

A) 1.5/1.7 Tires
B) 1.9 Tires
C) 2.2 Tires

That's it! WTF? You might be asking right now I bet. How do you differentiate between Trail and Competition class is big question here. Simple... if you have any item that would never be found on a real competition type truck such as a dog, camping gear, bbq, tent, sleeping bag, then you fall into the trail class by default. You can have windows and lights and so on on a Competition class truck but no guy/gal in their right mind would be a full on competitor and be carrying all that crap on their rig. That's the divider. You will more than likely have a bare bones, beefed up rig to compete with. It doesn't need bumpers, windows, fenders, etc. Just 4 wheels, a roll cage, a helmet, a fire extinguisher and all trace that its an rc hidden (wires, battery, etc) and you are good to go.

My Tamiya Jeep would be Trail Class A for example. A Wraith with 2.2's (and no camping gear) would be Competition C as another example.

I strongly suggest to make it fun by demanding a driver with/without helmet (trail driver or comp driver) in all your trucks or blacked out windows. NO GHOST DRIVEN VEHICLES ALLOWED!! lol. That would be my rule anyways if I ran this system.

Okay... your thoughts on those 6 categories above. Think it would fly?


Friday, May 22, 2015

Tamiya Jeep Wrangler YJ

I picked up this guy recently and been working on it. Today I put in some tunes and a roof rack. I have clear windows and an interior kit on the way plus some more rubber to try out. Here is a short clip of it running.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The greatest slow crawl video ever??

Its been 2 yrs since I became interested in off road RC'ing and I remember how influenced I was when I came across this particular video. The custom builds and the super slow crawl spoke to me. Ever since then... I have been a HUGE fan of the slow crawl.

Thanks Mikey Sylvestri

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

1:1 inspiration

Now and then I come across some images on the web of real off road vehicles that truly fire me up and make me wish they were mine. Sadly, they cannot be unless I strike it rich so... that's where RC off road vehicles come into play. Pun intended. We can build our own RC to look like a 1:1 sized toy and play to our hearts content. Below are some of my favorite 1:1 pictures I have come across so far. Clampy the Toyota being my most favorite as is evident by the amount of pictures of it in this collection. :)

I hope these inspire your future RC builds.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Building a Rat Rod.

The HPI Cup Racer is often called "True 1/10" but really its more around 1/12. I picked one up awhile back and spent a bunch of time building up a really nice 1972 BMW 2000. Picture below.

I have been yearning to build a rat rod for some time now using this body and yesterday I dove right in doing that. I picked up the Pro-Line Rat Rod body and it was a damned near perfect fit. Just needed a tiny bit of trimming behind the front wheel wells and that was it. Here are the pictures of the build step by step below.

The Pro-Line Rat Rod as shown online

And today I finished things off with some rod to support the soft top... some racing stickers on the body, some interior graffiti art, bit of hand written "FORD" lettering on the back end and bullet holes plus oiled up the wood slats. Now I'm gonna go outside and drive it. :)

Sorry about the damned dog hair on the body in the pic below. Things are everywhere.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Video/truck of the month February 2015... what a beauty

Top notch filming and a great great looking rig.

SCX10 Tamiya FJ40 Body Rock Crawling_#2

Another slow crawler... true scale

As I have said before... the slow crawl is by far my favorite. Nobody bashes in a real 4x4 except the ultra 4 KOH trucks and even then... on the rocks they slow things down a fair bit still. Driving these little trucks is a joy but driving them to behave like real ones is an even greater joy. Love it.

How cool is this?

Taking 1/10 drifters and a lot of effort to create a very cool scale chase scene. Love it. Great job gang whomever you are. Great job.